Good Friday – a day of mourning in the Christian world

All Orthodox churches are marking Friday the day before the last of the Holy week – Good Friday – the day when Jesus Christ was crucified.

According to the evangelic writings, on the day of the death of the God’s son the sky and the earth opened, the sun concealed itself and darkness fell over Golgotha.

During the church services this evening, the last moments of the life of Jesus are remembered.

The mantle is taken out of the altar and the funeral service of the God is implemented among white flowers.

The going under the table where the holy mantle is put with the body of Jesus on it, is a national custom. It symbolizes the leaving of all problems and burden in the hands of the God.

According to the tradition on this day no work should be done and a very strict fasting should be implemented because Good Friday is a day of spiritual purification.

On Saturday, the news on Jesus Christ resurrection will be heralded in all churches and monasteries of the Macedonian Orthodox Church at home and abroad.

Easter season is the most significant and sacred time of the Orthodox Church calendar. Orthodox Easter consists of a series of celebrations, commemorating the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ.