Toxic spill at the chemical plant OHIS detected by local residents

Inspectors of the Kisela Voda Municipality, the City of Skopje and the State Environment Inspectorate and a team of the Interior Ministry have arrived at the chemical plant OHIS, where water was spilled after being used to clean a cistern in which methyl acrylate monomer had been stored.

The spillage was detected after local residents reported an unpleasant odor near the plant in Skopje.

The spillage took place in the complex where a company repackages and removes disused chemical waste that is intended to be exported abroad.

After the cistern was emptied, they said, the company has to clean it. While being cleaned, a valve broke and the liquid was spilled in a type of a concrete container, which was outside. It made it easier for the odor to be felt in the vicinity of the complex, the company has the permit to repackage the so called historical waste and export it to Switzerland. Up to 70 tons of waste is believed to be exported.