Fleckenstein: The referendum is a window of opportunity which rarely opens (VIDEO)

The referendum is a window of opportunity which rarely opens and you need to use it. It depends on the leadership in both Macedonia and Greece, but it depends mostly on you what you decide, said German MEP Knut Fleckenstein at the debate on the topic “European Values ​​for Macedonian Future” organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

– I cannot tell you whether the referendum is a real step or not. You have only a few moments to decide on the greatest opportunity that is offered to you. Do not disappoint me. If you miss this chance, you will wait for dozens of years. I will not tell you what to do, but I’m asking you not to miss this opportunity. Think what would happen if Greece had elections and won the New Democracy, Fleckenstein said to the audience. You have waited, he said, for 27 years and if I were in your place, I would not risk it.

– I believe that the Western Balkans belongs in the European Union, not only geographically in Europe. This is not because of the aspirations of Russia or Turkey, but because of democracy, the rule of law and the fight against corruption that is in the interest of all. Entering this club is not only for you, but for us because of the business that we want to do with you. It is very important for entrepreneurs that the same laws apply everywhere for business to be predictable and without bureaucracy. And it does not matter to the common people when the negotiations will begin, but when their lives will begin to improve. That’s why we should give them what they need”, says Fleckenstein.

He stresses that the EU should change and make changes in its rules if it wants to develop the Union.
– If we do not do our homework in Brussels, I do not recommend you to become an EU member, stresses Flekenstein.

Answering the question whether he is optimistic that the country will start the negotiations in June next year, although in the EU the elections for the European Parliament will be held earlier, the German MEP says he thinks the elections will not change the position in the Union, adding that all parties have an identical position to resolve the name issue.

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