No auctioning and exaltation of the name

Erol Rizaov

Viewed from a distance and from the side, it seems that, for the first time, a favorable ambience is being built to resolve the imposed dispute with the constitutional name of the state, and from the inside there is still headaches from constraints and conditioning. In such a period, when the smiles and the encouragement, the patting on the shoulder, and the pressures and the dramatic efforts for better positions are two different things, especially when irresponsible politicians, including ministers, make public statements which new name they prefer, like turbo folk stars between two songs.
Without even blinking an eye, they say that they like the proposed “New Macedonia”, “Northern Macedonia”, “Upper Macedonia”… In this phase, when each word is measured, such public auctions and bonds are a big mistake, which should never be made, not even by beginners in politics. This is directly harmful to the positions of the negotiators, not only in the negotiations with Greece, but also with the UN representative, Mr. Matthew Nimetz, and also with the domestic public, which is understandably sensitive to the change of the constitutional name.
Here are some of the long-known, but seemingly forgotten, or unknown rules for newly appointed officials, especially important in such difficult negotiations. First, any relevant politician, whether in power or from the opposition, but especially if he is on a high position in the government when he publicly says that he has nothing against names such as “New Macedonia”, “Northern Macedonia” or “Upper Macedonia” is already considered as one-sided denial to the other side, that is, as the starting position of Macedonia from which the negotiations will be expected to have further deviations. Greeks, as the most difficult and arrogant negotiators in the world, accept each yield with two open hands and immediately set new conditions and begin a new start of negotiations. We have seen this so many times that we even made those ordered changes in the Constitution. In our country, while listening to the first exaltations of the test balloons: New, Northern and Upper, a new shock served on the old topic was completely opposite in Greece. Greek politicians who make the slim majority of power in the Parliament are called to declare publicly whether they will agree on the new name of the neighbor to contain the word Macedonia.
If these are the new starting positions on both sides, then there will certainly be no solution to the name. That job should be left to agree between those who know what a proposal is acceptable from both parties, as the UN and responsible Macedonian and Greek politicians proclaim publicly.
The second thing that must be known is the fact that until all the parliaments of EU member states ratify the agreement, the work for EU membership has not been completed. And until the final decision is made with the invitation to join NATO, then the work there is not done as well. Therefore, the name solution must be in a single package that removes all possibilities for additional conditions from the agenda. If there are any obstacles to NATO membership, new requirements for EU membership will follow. Macedonia must not venturе in such a bargaining confusion.

And third, if such bidding and euphoric statements continue to appeal to a minister or not, it is easy to lose the positive trend and the good ambience created in the public to find a mutually acceptable solution. It can destroy both the best and the most favorable proposal because going to a referendum is already done. Therefore, new officials should now refrain from placing their wishes and thoughts on the name, let them leave it to those who are responsible for doing the job. Let’s hope that they will have a good opportunity to announce their recommendations for the name of the state to the public that will not harm neither Macedonians nor the Greeks, or at least make them equally dissatisfied, if they accept the proposal from both sides in the call for a referendum vote of the citizens.
It is amazing how great is the naivety and ignorance of such delicate issues, and we are proclaim ourselves successors of Byzantium. There is nothing Byzantine in these immature statements and choosing a name in the media by new politicians. To have at least an ounce of Byzantium heritage, at least the same thing will tell us what others don’t: we hope and work on a solution that will be mutually acceptable. What will be agreed by both parties under a UN guarantee will go to a referendum. And that’s it. Not a word more. A completely different thing is that these limitations do not apply to the attitudes and performances of other public figures. They can quote, comment, suggest, and criticize. It is their job, or civil duty, whatever. At the responsible politicians at this stage the public appearance must be meticulously harmonized, There are no free archers in a delicate situation such as this one with the name dispute.