Turkey’s Parliament Speaker: Turkey will ratify NATO’s protocol within a month

Turkey’s Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop said that Turkey will ratify North Macedonia’s NATO Accession Protocol within a month at the latest.

“As Turkey’s Parliament Speaker, I sent the protocol to the Foreign Affairs Committee, where a discussion is underway. The Committee’s agenda is tight, but I spoke to the Chairman of the Committee asking him to speed up the process. So, I hope the discussion will be finalized during next week. The protocol will then be on the Parliament’s agenda and I hope that it will be ratified within a month at the latest,” Şentop told reporters in Bitola on Sunday.

Speaker Şentop pwas paying a visit on Sunday to the Museum in Bitola where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s memorial room is, as well as the Ishak Çelebi Mosque which was recently fully renovated.