Will the President use his right to veto

Erol Rizaov

President Gjorge Ivanov will not veto the Law on the Use of Languages. This assertion is very risky because he at the last public address in parliament categorically said that the proposed law poses a danger to the unitarity of the state, making it clear that it is a matter of first-degree security issue. In such a case, there is no chance of his signature on the lawful demolition of the territorial integrity of the state. So, it would be logical to expect the president to keep silent and not approve the law. But from where then doubts then that his signature would stand for the animation of this legal act that caused so much debate, controversy and language of hatred and intolerance.

Of course, the President does not have to explain everything in his public address. He probably had a great need not to say a word why he thinks that the extension of the use of the languages of ethnic communities violates the unitary state of the state. But that’s why he said something that was not typical for him, and he went quite unnoticed in public. President Ivanov publicly acknowledged that the expansion of the use of other languages in the country does not jeopardize the Macedonian language, which was the main argument of all, and scientific and semi-scientific and populist fierce reactions against the adoption of this law, that is, the great intimidation and harassment of the public, due to the fact that the Macedonian language is in grave danger of the increased use of Albanian and other languages of the members of the people living in Macedonia, with an extra addition to the nebulosity that all the citizens Annie after the adoption of the law will have to study and speak Albanian. This controversy between President Ivanov’s two paragraphs in one and the same speech remained unclear for a very simple reason. It cannot be explained how and in what way, if the law on languages does not pose a threat to the Macedonian language, it could jeopardize the state to the extent that it can make a mess on new linguistic boundaries much thinner than ethnic. This is an unsolvable task for a scientist, since we have had such a law so far, but the ethnic division of the country did not occur. So, if the use of the Albanian language in other languages is now increased, the danger to the whole of the country becomes very large, according to the scientific expert consultation of the president, but also his personal perception of the danger of language usurpation of the Macedonian speaking and territorial space. Both the earth and the air, that is, the ether, become an invading territory from the enemy. So, we will soon have an Albanian canton, a Turkish neighborhood, an Aromanian management, a Serbian province, a Roma-Egyptian region, a Bosnian district all the way to one separate state, both terrestrial and airborne.

And now how do I dare to predict that President Ivanov, who has remained the only loyal president of the VMRO-DPMNE and the supporters of this party, will sign this monster of a law? Well exactly because he is a president just to the party that he was running for, he will approve this law, and he will sign it with two hands, because if he does not do so, he will cause great damage to his party. In VMRO-DPMNE, after the “victory” of the last elections, the awareness that it is not possible to form a government without a majority in parliament, but more significantly, the hardest patriots have found that such a majority is impossible without the participation of Albanian political parties. Or, more specifically, the party leadership understood the reasons why no Albanian party wants a partnership with VMRO-DPMNE. Not that yesterday’s rally in the separation of powers do not want to continue to divide the spoils, but sharply reject the coalition because of the impossibility of doing so because they do not like their voters. Albanians in Macedonia, almost without exception, in the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE see mafia and criminals, a partner in which one cannot trust and who wants to use them through tricks and traps. This would mean that for a longer period of time, VMRO-DPMNE can hardly create coalitions with any Albanian party. That this was well understood in VMRO-DPMNE was also seen in the parliamentary vote when this party did not vote against the Law on the Use of Languages, although a patriotic party is a sacred duty if it is legitimized that the destruction of the territorial integrity of the state would start a revolution. Instead, VMRO-DPMNE chose cowardly to keep silent and to boycott the session, even when it comes to the survival of the state. And from the recent public appearances of the new president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, it was clearly seen that he would make great efforts to correct “some mistakes” and establish good relations with the Albanian parties.

President Gjorge Ivanov, as the most loyal fan of VMRO-DPMNE, will be publicly called by the party bodies to veto the law, and he will be asked to sign the very dangerous law to demolish Macedonia. That’s why I think President Gjorge Ivanov will sign everything that the party will deliver. What do you think – will there be such courage to allow MPs of the government and the opposition to pass the law on the use of languages together in a second attempt, so that his veto be considered useless? I say that someone has whispered to the president that VMRO-DPMNE will support unanimously the law if it comes for the second time on the agenda of the parliament, although they prefer that the president would do the job for them.