Silence is (not) golden

Marija Pavleska On October 8, last Monday, echoed the news about the murder of Bulgarian journalist Viktoria Marinova, who was editor at the local television station TVN from Ruse. The 30-year-old Marinova investigated and reported on alleged corruption related to the European Union funds. Marinova is the fourth journalist murdered in the European Union since …

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Partisanship and uncivilization

Ilo Trajkovski Many events during this past year, and especially after April 27, 2017, raise the question of the relationship between partisanship and civilization. But let’s be completely honest with ourselves. This question is not exclusively ours. I did not find the immediate reason for this consideration of this question in an event in our …

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Сè уште се бара решение за зградата кај Мајчин дом

Сè уште се преговара со сопственикот на земјиштето кај Мајчин дом. Градоначалникот Златко Марин вчера информираше дека се надева на позитивно решение, што ќе значи дека на парцелата нема да се гради деветкатница. Според него, мораториум за градење не е решение за вакви случаи, туку е само одолговлекување. Минатата недела општински инспектори ја стопираа изградбата …

Сè уште се бара решение за зградата кај Мајчин дом Read More »

No one has a mandate for amnesty

Slobodanka Jovanovska Editor in Chief of Nezavisen Vesnik Who gave mandate to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to offer amnesty? Although, after his speech in the Parliament, SDSM officials tried to persuade the public that he spoke only for reconciliation, forgiveness, understanding… he himself did not deny it, although he had the opportunity, and he did …

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Refusing to admit defeat

Zdravko Saveski Political scientist and a member of Levica It is difficult to admit defeat. In everyday life, as well as in politics – it is difficult to admit defeat. Admitting defeat is a virtuous move, characteristic of people with integrity. Only they can admit that they have been defeated. Others always find excuses for …

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Agreement – alive or dead

 Erol Rizaov Those who declared the agreement with Greece as dead and those who signed it, those who support it and those who oppose it, will have to take responsibility for the consequences if they bury the the very much alive and twice ratified agreement by a majority of MPs in the Assembly of Macedonia. …

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И денес протест против изградбата на зграда пред „Мајчин дом“

Жителите на Аеродром и за денеска најавија протест против изградбата на висококатница пред „Мајчин дом“. Протестот е најавен за во 17 часот. „Овие настани претставуваат спонтани граѓански собири, испровоцирани од поставувањето на градежната механизација и претварањето на тревникот во градилиште. Собирот е чист граѓански активизам, надпартиски, нема водач, нема единствен организатор – туку е поддржан …

И денес протест против изградбата на зграда пред „Мајчин дом“ Read More »

Waiting for…

Zvonko Davidovic Endless prairie, the wind blowing on the dry grass, and on the hill an Indian standing as a marble statue with eyes pointed to the sky and praying silently to his god. He is waiting for rain. Perhaps days have passed in such a lethargic wait, but the Indian welcomed the rain, his …

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What did I tell you?

Erol Rizaov I have been hearing the phrase “what did I tell you” for a whole week after the referendum, as an introduction to all the conversations on the most important topic in the country. A whole army of generals emerged after the battle, experts of all kinds who allegedly warned in time, but no …

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Triumph of “the Will”

Gjorgji Spasov As in the Nazi propaganda film “The Triumph of the Will,” ordered by Hitler to mark the party congress in Nuremberg in 1934, these days, after the press conference, in the media images and events of joy of those, who by calling the boycott managed to prevent “the serious crime of power” and …

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Revenge of the dead giants

Erol Rizaov In the Museum of the City of Skopje, along with many beautiful people, urban characters, and famous public figures, last Tuesday we were direct witnesses of the revenge of two deceased giants, Slavko Janevski and Tome Serafimovski, for the injustice that was inflicted on them by one regime’s tyranny. Their unveiling in front …

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Розови денови во октомври-месец на борбата против рак на дојка

Октомври е прогласен за светски месец на борбата против ракот на дојка. Секоја година, се подигнува свеста за ракот на дојка и се собираат средства за истражување, превенција, дијагноза, третман и лекување на овој карцином. Сѐ поголем број на дами се соочуваат со оваа болест, па поради тоа секоја година се зголемува бројот на организации …

Розови денови во октомври-месец на борбата против рак на дојка Read More »

Is Zaev strengthened or weakened?

Spiros Sideris A first reading of the results of the referendum in Macedonia shows that Zoan Zaev did not eventually convince his audience and lead citizens to the polls to vote in favour of the Euro-Atlantic course of the country. The nearly 37% of the voters who went to cast their votes at the referendum, in …

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Referendum bitterness

The post-referendum feeling is foggy. Despite the clearly expressed will of the citizens, expressed by 600,000 votes “for”, happened what was largely assumed – the minority who opposed, abstained and boycotted the plebiscitary vote led the process into a tie and took the entire country hostage. Nowadays, apparently, what mobilizes is the positive vision of …

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Love in time of referendum

Aneta Dimovska Autumn, October 1, 2018. The sun rose again over Macedonia. Some are still in the referendum mood, and when they drink their morning coffee they think of yesterday and the act when they proudly chose the option “FOR” European Macedonia, and in the air, besides the smell of coffee, they feel the prosperity …

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(Видео) Заев: Граѓаните јасно се изјаснија „За“ договорот со Грција и членство во НАТО и ЕУ

На референдумот гласаа повеќе од 650 илјади граѓани и повеќето од 90 отсто гласа „за“.Со тоа порачаа дека Македонија треба да го прифати Договорот со Грција и да стане членка на НАТО и ЕУ, порача вечерва премиерот Зоран Заев. – Европска Македонија доби повеќе гласови „за“ од кој било победник на изборите во независна Македонија. …

(Видео) Заев: Граѓаните јасно се изјаснија „За“ договорот со Грција и членство во НАТО и ЕУ Read More »