Danev: VMRO-DPMNE submitted amnesty draft-law for the involved in the April 27 events

 VMRO-DPMNE on Monday submitted to Parliament a draft-law on amnesty for people suspected, accused or convicted for their involvement in the 2017 storming of Parliament.

Speaking at a news conference, Dragan Danev, MP and coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, called on all political parties and their leaders, including Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, to read the bill and to be involved in the process of its adoption. If they deem it necessary, they should also propose amendments, he noted.

“We are ready to talk and to negotiate,” Danev said.

According to him, the law lies down and regulates the manner in which the people suspected or convicted for obstructing an officer, being part of a mob that commits a crime and for terrorist endangerment of the constitutional order and security are exempted from prosecution and released from serving their prison sentence.

“The draft-law also stipulates that the convictions of these people are revoked as soon as the law enters into force,” Danev said.

He added that the law encompassed all those involved in the violent events on 27 April 2017 in Parliament, including lawmakers, masterminds and other citizens that participated in the violent events.

“The draft-law provides justice for all, a real national reconciliation, instead of selectivness and division as offered by SDSM. The objective is national reconciliation and restoration of normalcy in the country,” MP Danev said.