(Video) Sekerinska and Osmani: Citizens give institutions legitimacy to move forward

Citizens who voted at yesterday’s referendum and supported Macedonia’s EU and NATO integration through the Agreement with Greece give full legitimacy to institutions to resume with the implementation of the obligations arising from the deal, Vice Premiers Radmila Sekerinska and Bujar Osmani told a joint press conference on Monday. “We had a consultative referendum as …

(Video) Sekerinska and Osmani: Citizens give institutions legitimacy to move forward Read More »

Mogherini and Hahn: Citizens said ‘Yes’, Parliament to proceed with next steps

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, say Monday in a joint statement that an overwhelming majority of those who voted at yesterday’s referendum have supported the Prespa Agreement. “In a peaceful and democratic vote an overwhelming …

Mogherini and Hahn: Citizens said ‘Yes’, Parliament to proceed with next steps Read More »

Politico Europe: If deal not confirmed, country to stay FYROM and out of EU and NATO

 Politico Europe referred to the outcome of the Macedonian referendum in Monday’s “Brussels Playbook” feature. Author Florian Eder says the low turnout represents a risk for the Prespa Agreement, adding that the message of those who failed to vote is unclear. “Who knows what the uncast votes were meant to say. But if parliament takes …

Politico Europe: If deal not confirmed, country to stay FYROM and out of EU and NATO Read More »

Vanhoutte: Don’t waste time and money on early elections, engage in solving the many problems in your country

Peter Vanhoutte, former EU mediator in the Przino Agreement talks, has congratulated the majority of citizens who supported the Prespa Agreement at Sunday’s referendum. Vanhoutte calls on the Government not to resign, but to continue the work since “this is your damned duty!” “Don’t waste time and money on early elections again, but engage in …

Vanhoutte: Don’t waste time and money on early elections, engage in solving the many problems in your country Read More »

Mickoski: Those who didn’t come out to vote sent the loudest message saying ‘This is Macedonia’

The citizens who voted against a name change in the referendum and those who didn’t come out to vote sent the loudest message saying ‘This is Macedonia’, said the leader of the main opposition party VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski. Addressing a news conference in the party’s headquarters, Mickoski said that Macedonia had expressed its opinion against …

Mickoski: Those who didn’t come out to vote sent the loudest message saying ‘This is Macedonia’ Read More »

The SEC: 11.907 domestic and 493 foreign observers monitor the referendum

The official State Election Commission (SEC) data shows that 11.907 domestic and 493 foreign observers have been accredited to monitor the September 30 referendum. Additionally, 194 translators have been accredited to the SEC. Besides domestic, the referendum will be covered by foreign journalists. The SEC has also accredited 83 journalists from 32 media outlets, with …

The SEC: 11.907 domestic and 493 foreign observers monitor the referendum Read More »

Tsipras says coalition may break up over the agreement with Macedonia

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said his government will survive the ratification of the Macedonia name-change deal even if junior partner Independent Greeks (ANEL) decided to quit the coalition.   “I think my government will survive, but I don’t know if my coalition will survive, but this is …

Tsipras says coalition may break up over the agreement with Macedonia Read More »

Kosovo Speaker Veseli: I urge the citizens of Macedonia to come out in large numbers and vote

I urge the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia to come out in large numbers and vote in the referendum on the agreement with Greece on September 30 in order to pave country’s way for EU and NATO integration, Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said Thursday in Skopje. At the joint press conference with his …

Kosovo Speaker Veseli: I urge the citizens of Macedonia to come out in large numbers and vote Read More »

VMRO-DPMNE turns toward boycott

Day after day, one member after the other, VMRO-DPMNE clearly is turning to a boycott of the referendum instead of the publicly expressed position for an individual decision. Official campaign does not lead, but officials (former and current), members of the Executive Committee, MPs and members of the party openly say that they will not …

VMRO-DPMNE turns toward boycott Read More »

Tupurkovski: After 27 years this is the only viable solution

We need to accept the name deal because it is the only viable solution, said Vasil Tupurkovski in a recent interview with MIA. Tupurkovski is an expert in international law, founder of the erstwhile Democratic Alternative party and current president of the Macedonian Olympic Committee. “Twenty-seven years ago,” Tupurkovski said, “we had quite an acceptable …

Tupurkovski: After 27 years this is the only viable solution Read More »

Tsipras: The thorny issue that had plagued the two countries is nearing its end

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that Greece has “turned the page” after eight years of austerity and economic depression during his speech at the annual Concordia Summit in New York. Referring to the Prespa agreement between Greece and Macedonia, he said that it would help make the Balkans “a region of peace and stability.” Tsipras …

Tsipras: The thorny issue that had plagued the two countries is nearing its end Read More »

Xhaferi-Zidan: Name referendum a historic chance, myriad of opportunities in EU and NATO

Macedonia in every sense of the word belongs in the family of European nations. I hope that the citizens will seize the historic opportunity and will make a mature, courageous and responsible decision for their future and for the future of coming generations, Dejan Zidan, Speaker of the National Assembly of Slovenia, said Tuesday after a …

Xhaferi-Zidan: Name referendum a historic chance, myriad of opportunities in EU and NATO Read More »