Fouere warns that negotiations with North Macedonia represent a test of EU’s credibility

Erwan Fouere, the former EU Ambassador to Skopje, says he is disappointed from the European Commission’s compromises with countries opposing the enlargement and warns that negotiations with North Macedonia represent a test of EU’s credibility. Fouere believes the statement by Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn over ‘the preparatory stage of negotiations’ is an unwelcome compromise with …

Fouere warns that negotiations with North Macedonia represent a test of EU’s credibility Read More »

North Macedonia: There’s still skepticism surrounding the launch of accession talks in June

There’s growing skepticism in North Macedonia the date for the start of EU accession talks. Political analysts say that this will depend more on the consensus of member countries rather than the positive recommendation that the European Commission may offer. While governing coalition says that everything is being done for the reforms to be finalized …

North Macedonia: There’s still skepticism surrounding the launch of accession talks in June Read More »

Hamáček: Czech Republic supports North Macedonia’s NATO and EU membership

North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev held a meeting Wednesday in Skopje with a delegation led by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Government Jan Hamáček, focusing on longstanding bilateral relations and support to North Macedonia and its policies. PM Zoran Zaev pointed out that North Macedonia’s Government remains committed to the Euro-Atlantic reform …

Hamáček: Czech Republic supports North Macedonia’s NATO and EU membership Read More »

Hahn: I have been reassured by Mickoski that they will not boycott the elections

Once our partners fulfill the clear criteria we have set, the EU also needs to live up to its commitment and take the accession process of North Macedonia to the next stage. Credit where credit is due! That is a matter of EU credibility, said EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn in an interview with MIA …

Hahn: I have been reassured by Mickoski that they will not boycott the elections Read More »

Albania will have Croatia’s support in its EU integration path

The Albanian delegation, which is participating in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly session, taking place from 8 to 12 April in Strasbourg, has had a meeting with Croatian deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Marija Mejcinovic Buric. During this meeting, the Croatian senior official has praised the reforms that Albania has launched and said …

Albania will have Croatia’s support in its EU integration path Read More »

Bulgaria’s nationalist ‘United Patriots’ parties register separately for European Parliament elections

Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Krassimir Karakachanov’s VMRO party said that it would register on April 9 for European Parliament elections, becoming the second of the “United Patriots” nationalist grouping to do so separately from its partners. Parties and coalitions intending to participate in Bulgaria’s May 26 2019 European Parliament elections have until April 10 to …

Bulgaria’s nationalist ‘United Patriots’ parties register separately for European Parliament elections Read More »

FM Dimitrov: Country’s success in the EU integration is success for the entire region

North Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov is confident in country’s European perspective – North Macedonia’s success in the European integration is a success for entire region. Dimitrov, who is paying working visit to Berlin, said on Facebook that the next two days are crucial to the country’s European prospects. “The next two days, key meetings …

FM Dimitrov: Country’s success in the EU integration is success for the entire region Read More »

EU Parliament Speakers support the Prespa Agreement and EU integration

Parliament Speaker of North Macedonia Talat Xhaferi is attending the Conference of Speakers of the European Union Parliaments, which takes place 8-9 April in Vienna. The Speakers of Parliaments of EU candidate countries are also invited to participate as observers. The gathering is chaired by Wolfgang Sobotka, President of the Austrian National Council and Ingo …

EU Parliament Speakers support the Prespa Agreement and EU integration Read More »

Zbogar: It’s important that the SPO is allowed to continue its work

I hope member states will decide to open negotiations with North Macedonia at the June Council meeting, EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar said Thursday during his lecture at the Faculty of Security within the Faculty’s diplomatic forum. “A lot has been achieved. When one looks back, there is a big difference – the country that saw …

Zbogar: It’s important that the SPO is allowed to continue its work Read More »

Commissioner Hahn optimistic about launch of accession negotiations

The European Commission is expected to recommend the launch of negotiations for the accession of Albania and North Macedonia in May. This was declared yesterday by EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn during the proceedings of the European Parliament Committee for Foreign Affairs.  This meeting was considered to have a special importance because it was the …

Commissioner Hahn optimistic about launch of accession negotiations Read More »

European Parliament confirms that visa regime for Kosovo will be lifted

European Parliament has voted today in favour of its position to continue negotiations for the visa liberalization process with Kosovo. In a message on Twitter, European Parliament’s rapporteur on Kosovo, Tanja Fajon said that it’s now to the EU Council to decide. “A good majority in favour of  visa liberalization for Kosovo. Thank you, European …

European Parliament confirms that visa regime for Kosovo will be lifted Read More »

JPC: Visible progress in fulfilling strategic goals – membership in NATO and EU

North Macedonia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Andrej Zernovski addressed Thursday the 16th meeting of EU-North Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) held in Strasbourg under the joint Chairmanship of Alojz Peterle, Chair of the EP delegation and Goran Milevski, Chair of the North Macedonia’s Parliament delegation. In his address to JPC members, Zernovski said, “We are proud of …

JPC: Visible progress in fulfilling strategic goals – membership in NATO and EU Read More »

EU integration is the next objective for North Macedonia

After NATO membership, the next objective for North Macedonia is to become an EU member. Fight against corruption, reforms in the justice system, a state administration which is not politicized and the involvement of civil society in decision making are some of the conditions that Brussels has imposed on authorities in Skopje. Nevertheless, the country’s …

EU integration is the next objective for North Macedonia Read More »

Zbogar hopeful for start of North Macedonia’s EU accession talks in June

I am hopeful that EU member states will positively assess the progress report in June, so that North Macedonia can start the EU accession negotiations, EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar said Wednesday during his visit to Strumica as part of the ‘EU for You’ campaign. “It is now necessary to focus on the reform process, which …

Zbogar hopeful for start of North Macedonia’s EU accession talks in June Read More »