Average salary of MKD 23,158 in February

The average monthly net salary in February amounted to MKD 23,158 (EUR 376), a 3.6-percent increased compared to the same month in 2017, says the State Statistical Office.

This increase is caused by the rise of the average monthly net salary in sectors: Mining and quarrying (14.5%), Manufacturing (10.7%) and Information and communication (10.5%).

A decrease in the average monthly net salary was recorded in sectors: Arts, entertainment and recreation (26.4%), Transportation and storage (11.7%) and Mining and quarrying (9.9%).

In January 2018, the State Statistical Office changed the method of collecting data on wages (paper questionnaires with data collected from business entities) and switched to using data from an administrative source – the Public Revenue Office. The change was made in order to reduce the burden on reporting units and improve the quality of the data.