The truth in April Fool’s jokes

Erol Rizaov

In Wonderland, one cannot even make a proper April Fool’s joke. Each lie becomes true in a day, or two. Just when you think that someone is playing a trick, it turns out it was not a joke, but a serious thing, often sad, a crying matter, one that would make a person scream. The plane landed at the Skopje airport without the engine running… no big deal, such things happen, but Macedonia is the only place on the planet where the state has taken off without an engine. Flying like a feather in the wind, like a glider without a pilot above the abyss, never landing. Rescue teams are powerlessly waiting for it to crash, in order to intervene. It’s not a joke, I swear, it’s the truth.

Here are some fresh examples. President Gjorge Ivanov overshadowed his colleague Vladimir Putin, and has condemned the Macedonian government before him that the government’s decision to expel a Russian diplomat has hasty. You cannot believe it – well, it’s not something to believe, but it’s true. Don’t even think that our president has made a mistake. As the supreme commander of the Armed Forces of Macedonia, he has first-hand information that the diplomat was not a spy. Had he been a spy, Ivanov would have long sought his expulsion. The Intelligence Services of Macedonia timely informed President Ivanov that the Russians have put us on the line of fire, but with the best intentions because they like us so much, and they adore us for sacrificing ourselves to give them literacy, while we have remained illiterate. This was also seen from the Russian threat to move away from NATO, which gave so much pleasure to the president, in order to find out how right he actually was. What is Ivanov’s trick: Very simple: If Russians are screaming that Macedonia can not enter NATO, the Americans will immediately accept us just to spite them.

Bravo, our president is very wise, we will join NATO, and Russian vengeance will be much lighter because of him. It can happen because of Ivanov’s vision. Russians will not punish Macedonia at all if they come to the realization that what they want to do to us – we will do to ourselves. We will eat each other alive about who takes Russia’s side, and who the US.

For example, one big lie became true – that the President of the state has a constitutional right not to sign a law, even if the majority votes a hundred times in parliament. The government and the parliament do not know this right of the president because they have not read the entire Constitution carefully. There is an article there that says that no one in the country can sign a capitulation. Not even the president, the supreme commander of the ARM.

The law on languages ​​is a pure state capitulation. Such a betrayal of language should not be subject to all of Macedonia, regardless of whether there is, or is not, such an article in the Constitution. There are things that are understood, regardless of whether something is written, or not written in the Constitution.
Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski is not lying when he says that Macedonia is a captured state. Some perceive it as an April’s joke. Many are mistaken. How much is right Mickoski shows the trials of illegally wiretapped conversations of thousands of citizens and officials in the captured state. There is no one sentenced to many years in prison for the greatest crimes in the history of independent Macedonia. The biggest proof of how Mickoski is right is the court cases against his predecessor Nikola Gruevski and his closest associates. Only in a captured state can this be dragged on forever. Each hearing there is something wrong, there is drought in the hall, the witness is ill, the lawyer has a fever, the address of one of the defendants has changed, who lives on multiple addresses, so he is hard to find. If the state was not captured, and there was no obstruction of the law, these innocent people from the top of VMRO-DPMNE would have been released long ago. Obviously someone wants to throw Gruevski and his closest associates in prison, so to make the same embarrassing mistake as those poor people from Sopot who were wrongly convicted to 10 years in prison for terrorism. And for such a mistake of wrongly convicted for a whole decade, of course, no one is guilty of a captured state.

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski is particularly right when explaining about the patriotism of people, who on April 27 spontaneously entered the parliament to defend the state. Brave, very heroic, after his image appeared in the media as an immediate participant in the calculation with the enemy in the Parliament, Mickoski proudly confirmed that he was not just a bystander and was not in his slippers as home, as Gruevski said, but he was with his people in parliament trying to overthrow the new unconstitutional regime. The man was not an extra, he played a significant role in the horror that the VMRO-DPMNE directed from Vienna. Trials of attempted coup attempt and murders of MPs can be prolonged for months and years until the state breaks down and disappears. In order to speed up the process of disintegration of Macedonia, it is best to immediately release the judiciary and all the innocent defendants VMRO-DPMNE and Gruevski return to power at “the big door”, as the new opposition leader Mickovski announces in his quest to save Macedonia.

The key evidence for this claim is the Supreme Court President Jovo Vangelovski, who, in such a hopeless situation, held a historic speech on the independence of the judiciary and the need for independent judges. Knock three times on wood, it’s true. The man with a raised head and chin, spun to a pulpit, on the occasion of the day of justice, said a great truth – that the citizens of Macedonia are hungry for law and laws, and not for food. He also said that Macedonia needs independent judges, strong authoritative figures that no one can influence, nor hinder justice. How can you not be surprised now, when a normal citizen hears this from the mouth of Vangelovski, who is synonymous with a politicized, compromised and corrupted judiciary. A greater April Fool’s joke than the one from the current Supreme Court President Jovo Vangelovski, came from Mihajlo Manevski, the creator of a fully-privatized court system where the rule of law turned into a selective order for the verdicts of political opponents.

Such April fool’s jokes that are tragic truths in Macedonia made in just one year, can be written in three volumes as Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”. If one counts the biggest lies that have taken place over the past decade, not even NASA’s computers can collect all the data.